It's been a while since I have painted- moving into a newly built home I designed, setting up a new studio and then I had unexpected surgery. While I was recovering with limited mobility, I started watching you tube videos of art lessons. There are tons of them out there. Some are quite good. We all know that a great artist doesn't always make for a great teacher. I do admire those who can talk, explain, and paint at the same time using both their right and left brains at once!
While watching was entertaining and instructive, I knew I needed to practice getting what I learned from my brain to connect to what my hands needed to do. I found after watching all the diverse ways artists approach painting, that I was better able to look at my own paintings more critically. I am now more mobile and exercising my painting skills as well as my knee. Here are a few 8 x 10 oils I did to get myself going again. I always love how different they look in frames. I really missed painting.